Vantage Ag
Our mineral particle size is 500 times smaller than any other known materials, giving you faster and more complete absorption and metabolization by
your crop.
With much higher efficiency you need much less product to achieve a balanced crop fertility program.
The sub nanoparticle nutrient
is sprayed onto the leaf
It moves through the cuticle or waxy outer layer that protects the leaf from harm
It crosses the epidermis protective layer that prevents water loss & allows for gas exchange
It moves through the mesophyll which is the inner leaf tissue
From the mesophyll it enters the vasculature of the plant veins
It travels through the phloem down to the roots
The sub nanoparticle nutrient is sprayed onto the leaf
It moves through the cuticle or waxy outer layer that protects the leaf from harm
It crosses the epidermis protective layer that prevents water loss & allows for gas exchange
It moves through the mesophyll which is the inner leaf tissue
From the mesophyll it enters the vasculature of the plant veins
It travels through the phloem down to the roots
Offers customers the nutrient that is required, not a blend of nutrients
Utilizes additives to enhance nutrient uptake like chelation and EDTA, 30/40 year old technology
Sub nano nutrient particles offer the highest efficiency applied at any stage of plant growth
Sub nano particles do not cause osmotic stasi (fertilizer burn) on plants
The only sub nano nitrogen, phosphate and potassium products globally
Secondary and micro nutrient rates are 50mL-80mL/acre
Sub nano nutrient particles are absorbed through the plant leaf and travel through the plant to the roots in 2-3 days
Sub nano nutrient particles that are quickly absorbed and metabolized by the plant
With every nutrient that we have successfully manufactured into a sub-nano liquid our rates are 1/10th of current technologies, or less.
Rates on our micros and secondary nutrients, Sulfur, copper, zinc, iron and magnesium are 50mL to 80mL per acre.
Even at these low rates we are still getting much more of that nutrient into the plant, compared to existing technologies.
Our macros, Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium go on at higher rates as the plants require more of these nutrients. N up to 500mL, Phosphate and Potassium up to 350mL per acre.