We used the new sub-Nano liquid sulfur product on thousands of acres of canola and wheat, we applied the sulfur at 65mL per acre. We conducted tissue samples of the new leaves a few days after application and we saw the sulfur increase in the plants in every test. In one canola test the sulfur level increased from sufficient to very high. We are very excited to use this new product in the future as it fits very well into our sulfur fertility needs, is easy to use and produces an amazing ROI.

Patrick Hawkins, Hawkins Bros.

We were unable to get the liquid sulphur fertilizer we needed this spring, we were very concerned with sulphur deficiencies in our canola.  We applied the new liquid sulphur product this spring on all of our InVigor and RR canola by mixing it with our in crop herbicide applications. We saw no sulphur deficiencies in any of our canola, even after the heavy rains. We applied at 100mL per acre and we had exceptional canola yields. We plan on using this product again in our sulphur fertility strategy.

Colin Hudson, Battle Bends Acres

We had a dry June in the Midwest but the rains did come in time in July. These heavy rains moved the sulphur in the soil and we knew we would have sulphur deficiencies in our corn and beans. We applied Vantage Ag’s new liquid sulphur at 2 ounces per acre and did tissue sampling. We were very happy with the numbers as we saw more sulphur in both the corn and beans. We saw a 3.5 to 5 bushel increase in the corn yield and a 2.5 bushel increase in the soybean yield. We will use this product and others from Vantage Ag as they are easy to use and gave us a great ROI this year.

Randy Christensen, Christensen Ag Services Inc. Scranton, Iowa

We tried a different approach with our fertility strategy in 2022. 2021 was very dry and we had a poor crop. And after we figured out what our fertilizer bill was going to be early 2022 we decided that something had to change, we couldn’t afford the risk of putting all that money in the ground and wait for rain. We worked with Paul to look at what strategies might work for us, we reviewed our soil tests and came up with a plan. We cut back on the fertilizer we put down in the spring and waited to see what kind of stand we would have. We put down our regular amount of N, where it was needed only, and cut back on the potash and phosphate. At 1st herbicide application timing the crop looked very good so we decided to invest $20 more per acre to try and maximize yields.  We mixed our herbicides with a mix of N+P+K, ionized S and a biological product that we’ve used for a few years. We tissue sampled a number of fields and crops and were very surprised at how much we increased all of these nutrients into the plants with this small amount of product. The use efficiency of some of the new foliar applied products are amazing. We didn’t get the rain later in the season to fill the crops properly but we will continue to use this strategy in the future. For us it just makes sense.

Patrick Hawkins, Hawkins Bros.

We tested Vantage Ag’s new liquid fertilizer technology on some wheat on our farm just north of Edmonton this spring. We did a side by side trial with their new zinc and one with copper, we applied both products at 65mL/acre. We were very happy with the results. The wheat sprayed with the liquid zinc showed higher levels of zinc when we tissue sampled the new leaves shortly after application . In the copper trial we saw a minimum of a 5 bushel per acre increase in yield and a higher bushel weight. We will continue to use these products as we have seen a tremendous ROI. We also plan on using the new macro products from Vantage Ag.

CGS Ag Enterprises Ltd. Carol and Gerald Sauchuk Waskatenau AB